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Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

The pace of change in the healthcare industry due to advancement in technology has been tremendous. While healthcare has witnessed a great deal of technological advancement, it has never truly embraced it the way some other industries have.
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However, the corona virus outbreak and the subsequent lockdowns have accelerated the adoption of these technologies. Every aspect of the industry, from patient care to diagnostic tools to medical devices has seen enormous technical advancements. But still, with these new and improved technologies the healthcare industry still has some serious challenges to deal with.
Our Services
At ASCENDING, we are familiar with the healthcare industry and its growing pains as adoption and adaptation to these technologies continue. In our line of work, we have noticed the industry still has challenges to deal with such as cyber and data security, data privacy risk, interoperability risks, lack of agile and efficient workflow processes, and outdated and user-unfriendly systems/applications to just name a few.
Even though your entity has its own unique challenges and may be at a different stage of technology adoption, through our digital transformation, we can help you address some of these challenges so you can focus on your core business objectives.

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Success Stories

Our serverless architecture saved more than 70% of the time when remote clients visited the website and reduced network errors by 90%.
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